SAINT who drink
A protest against the alarming spread of drinking among Christians"Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler; none than because err is wise" (Proverbs 20:1).This nation is quickly becoming a society drenched by many citizens intoxicated. Right now, alcohol is the modern golden calf, and millions of people, young and old, male and female, have been seduced by this.The teetotaler, prohibitionists and all those who have fought for years against this flood of drinks have been laughed until they ceased to exist. We laughed to scorn small antiquated ladies who came out to break the barrels of whiskey and closed bars and similar places, and made vows of abstinence.The world of modern liberals, have become somewhat popular drink. It is now considered sophisticated, urban, cool and drink socially. Try to say "No" to the flight attendant pushes you drink from you approach the aircraft until desbordas. "What, you mean, do not drink?" She looks at you like you're crazy to reject a free drink.In the world today, people are offended when you refuse an offer of additional drink. They try to make you feel wrong because you do not join them, or you're getting an attitude "holier than others.""Do not be with heavy drinkers of wine, ..." (Prov. 23:20).For me, the real tragedy is that many who call themselves "Christians" are now drinking. I call them "sipping saints," because that's how it all starts - for a sip at a time.A recent survey revealed that 81% of all Catholics now drink and 64% of all Protestants. These staggering numbers are increasing every month. The permissive attitude toward social drinking is invading progressively conservative circles of the evangelical church.At conventions where thousands of saints of God "filled with the Spirit" raised their hands in praise and worship to God - and after being laid off, a flock of them out to the parking lot, opened the trunk of the car and take half beers in packages dozen and pass them to their fellow parishioners. Others call mixed drinks with meals in restaurants, between sections of praise. They return to speak with "tongues chopped.""In their feasts harps, fiddles, tambourines, flutes and wine, but not regard the deeds of the LORD, neither consider the work of his hands." (Isaiah 5:12).The prophet Isaiah has a message for all the charismatic movement - both in Catholic circles as Protestants."Therefore my people are taken captive, because they have no knowledge, ... But the Lord of hosts shall be exalted in judgment, and the holy God will be sanctified in righteousness. "(Isaiah 5:13-16).The prophet Hosea said, "Whoredom and wine and new wine take away the heart." (Hosea 4:11). This suggests that sipping saints have divided hearts.People filled with the spirit of error claim they are "kings and priests" to the Lord. The Bible states emphatically, "... it is not for kings to drink wine, nor for princes in cider, for perhaps drink and forget the law .." (Proverbs 31:4-5).The writer of Proverbs suggests that Christians need not happy winners and wine, that's just for the depressed and dying."Give strong drink to perish and wine unto those of heavy hearts: .." (Prov. 31:6).Many defend its position as follows: We are good Christians who attend church. We love the Lord and see nothing wrong with serving wine at home. We drink moderately and our children are learning to drink under our supervision. They are not exceeded. We have never seen anyone drunk in our home.And anyone can tell me the following: "You're just trying to make us feel guilty and is pushing its fundamentalist morality on us. We were not raised under legalistic taboos as obviously it was you. Frankly, sir, our habit of drinks none of your business! "In mercy, God bless those families-but one of these days will be my business. Start being my business when those teenagers out with friends and get drunk.Many start of this subtle and sudden in their own home when their parents teach moderate drinking. At parties, birthdays and when he came visiting, all participated in a social drink. The food was served with. We all admire and love our parents. They despise the drunkenness, however, have a bar at home.Young people start going to teenage parties and start drinking socially with their group. This leads them to drink in clubs. Soon you will be drunk in parked vans. Finally, when problems will pile up, young people begin to depend excessively wine. Ending in a mental institution, or association alcoholic, intolerant, and inflexible.That same story I have heard repeated again and again throughout my life. But now, I keep hearing in Christian families "I consider Christian parents. They go to church. But always serve wine or beer at home. Older siblings drink moderately and the young can become a hero. And the young drink to be like their parents and like its big brother, but you can not control it. But they do think that drinking is something that all good people do. "Do I have any prejudice? or Do I have a closed mind? Of course, you do! And I have reason to stand firm. All my life outside of Jesus Christ always led me to believe that it is good and also social, part of good personal relationships with your peers but I have seen many marriages destroyed and battered women and children abandoned and violated worse and even deaths due to alcohol therefore I can not open my mind when Jesus himself wound sawed and healthy in my own flesh, I can not open my heart when I myself have lost my children, I can not be tolerant of what Jesus paid the price for your and I are different.I've heard all the excuses for drinking among Christians in Toluca - and I can not accept any of them. Blame impure water. They say it's part of their culture and customs, plus shepherds who do not have the slightest idea of the damage they are causing a lot by allowing sin saying it is not one or two drinks. And They drink "because they always have."How deeply offended the Apostle Quiroga was in Mexico when I refused to take their wine. Cristiano dome in Toluca, who adopt European ways, I say drinking does not make anyone a sinner "like they do in Paris France!" But how deeply wounded must be Jesus Christ when some of these same ministers are so drunk that not be kept awake during ministrations in the name of Jesus.There is an alarming level of alcohol and strong drinks in Toluca in Christian circles. They get drunk! They are not moderated! None of his excuses serve. And Toluqueños false Christians who drink "only in Toluca." They did not touch a drop as they minister, but they think it is "funny" to join with the brothers there and sip a few drinks after the ministry!I am deeply offended by Christians who drink by the terrible example that gives young people! This nation is now facing a plague of drinking among adolescents. The two most popular words in school today are "navigate and take." Drunkenness is spreading in our schools like wildfire out of control. The boys tell me that like 80% of his class not only drink and smoke, but get drunk till they drop. We are facing more than one million young people possible alcoholics.I helping drug addicts. But this fury of beverages is now sweeping our nation, the State of Mexico and Toluca and its surroundings especially as San Mateo and Lerma and scares me. They now drink alcohol because they think it will not effect the drugs! The drink is now the "liquid drug" of choice.Wherever you see teenagers getting drunk, they say - "No police, no relatives, no politician can bother us - because they all are doing well. We finally found something that will put us behind bars! "Do not want to get into the old argument of the Bible and fermented wine compared to grape juice. But the more I see these young, exploited and broken - I am more convinced that Jesus mocked the crowd at the wedding feast in Canaan with the very thing that is destroying our youth today.Christ came to fulfill the law! And the law says, (Pro 20:1) "Wine is a mocker ... than because of any wise err "Christ Was betrayed? Would it help him to take a drink out drunk man party to warm to his wife? In court, the man would ask, "How do I become so drunk?" And the man blamed answer, I was at a wedding feast and Jesus of Nazareth poured himself a stiff drink. He got me drunk. "I can not conceive that Jesus mocked at that crowd and serve a drink that could be abused if taken without moderation. I believe that Jesus served the elixir was the pure juice of the vine - supernatural punch so full of true blend of nature, which was unique and a change approved! Jesus Would you add alcohol to their drink supernatural content and give "bite" when the law says - "Do not look on the wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup, it goes down smoothly ..." (Proverbs 23:31)?That was written by a king who "sought in mine heart to give myself unto wine," (Ecclesiastes 2:3). And Christ, never, never would have given his guests wine that was intoxicating. Paul also knew the law. He revered the wisdom of Solomon. The pure juice of the grape is good for your health! It is nutritious. But wine is fermented and not nutritious. How could recommend Paul alcoholic beverage when he respected the law warned, "... you're not with wine drinkers ..."? (Pro 23:20)But the real issue is not whether the New Testament refers to fermented wine or grape juice. The real issue is the abuse so prevalent today. Solomon had three thousand wives. At one time, Moses permitted divorce. Look far has led us to be permissive: the so-called Christian clubs where beer appears to Christian music and dancing. "Christians" who 'rockean' and drink. "... If ever drink and forget the law ..."A high percentage of divorces each year. Millions of children are victims of broken homes. There is a tap dance and erotic in some churches sanctuaries. Ministers mock liberal biblical standards outdated. They now tell our children, "Masturbation is a gift of God to relieve your stress."The Christians, do you drink out of ignorance? Is it that no one has challenged with the Word of God? Are these new converts the movement Jesus drink to prove they are released and are not under the law?Young, a member of some Christian churches, and tell me recently told me, "Sure, we all drink. Jesus did it, Paul! The Bible is not against it. Our leaders drink moderately. They are good Bible teachers and travel, speak at youth meetings. "Yes - and certainly I know that some of them also smoke. They mix Jesus with his hard rock music, because they walk evangelizing in the dens and only God knows where it ends their engagement.They seem to believe that by simply adding the word "Jesus" to anything it sanctifies and fixes everything. You say - "Do not judge, Victor! What about the plank in your own eye? "I'm not the judge of anyone. I have not placed as a spokesman for a group.(Heb 12:25) "See that you do not refuse him who speaks. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much less will we, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven. "(1 Peter 4:11) "If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God: if any man minister, with the strength God provides, so that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for forever and ever. Amen. "(Jud 1:16-18) "These are grumblers, complainers, walking after their own lusts, they speak arrogantly, flattering people to gain advantage. 17 But you, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ, 18 that they told you in the last time there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires. "It is time that all Christians are challenged drinkers! It is time that the Holy Spirit expose the wanton attitude, sloppy and "anything goes." If it is wrong for alcoholics, drug addicts and prostitutes converted drink, even moderately, then murderously wrong that mature Christians drink and give them a poor example to them .And I feel angry when Christians spiritually drinkers back with - "Oh, you're a fundamentalist, tied to the law, a moral good-natured. We Christians are free in Christ freed. We are not under the law. We will not be bound by your attacks on our freedom. "All I know is that freedom should not be used as licentiousness and grace of Jesus as a pretext.It offends everything in my longs devotion and holiness. That offends every young man whom God has become convinced past drinking habits. And the Bible says - "And whosoever shall offend some of these little ones which believe in me, it is better outside colgase his neck a millstone of a donkey, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe to the world because of offenses! because it is necessary that temptations come, but woe to that man by whom the offense cometh! (Matthew 18:6-7).I refuse to give in to the mounting pressures of worldliness, instead of smelling Christ Christianity today reeks of world-disguised spiritual freedom! What has happened to us, saints of God - when we can sit freely without rebuking the moral rot quickly in the house of God? I believe in free grace, but not in debauchery. I believe in the righteousness of Christ imposed by faith. But I also believe that the holiness of God demands that we "touch not the unclean thing."I also feel that the ministers who smoke are not being honest with God. These "prophets snort" refuse to practice what they preach. And ministers who drink are a reproach to the name and power of God.It is an effort to condemn the true ministers of the gospel. But, we as ministers and parents, how can we ask our children to leave drugs and alcohol, if we do not clean our own lives - and we are an example of Christ?Sometimes, just for a fleeting moment, I think to myself, "Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe these new Christians 'rockean', smoke, drink and who return to their favorite places to sing, to entertain and act - maybe they have seen something in God that I have not yet seen. Maybe all these rapid changes are not committed, but a sign of maturity and growth. Maybe I'm very dated - too out of things to not recognize any new thing that God is doing. "Please do not be angry with me! If you are one of the saints who sip - do not let your hurt or anger robbed of the truth. If you feel uncomfortable with this message of separation - probably because God has already convinced - and now he wants you to enjoy complete freedom.Pray that God put in the hearts of ministers nationwide - to take a bold stand in their pulpits against this insidious trend.Pray for our teenagers! The pressures on them to drink with others are worsening daily.They need to be encouraged to take their stand and resist, unless they are carried away by this whirlwind of drunkenness.Although not feel "satisfied" - for the simple refrain and powerful reason to set an example to the youth!(1 Peter 5:2,3) "Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly; 3 not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. ""Who hath woe? Who hath sorrow? Who hath contentions? For whom the complaints? Who hath wounds without cause? For who hath redness of eyes? For that tarry long at the wine, those who go to seek mixed wine. Do not look on the wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup. It goes down smoothly but at last bites like a snake and poisons like a viper. Your eyes will see strange things, and your heart utter perverse things. "(Proverbs 23:29-33).Bible study on Wednesdays.sanadoctrinavictor@gmail.comPastor: Victor R. Preciado Balderrama.
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