and principles based on relationships(Mat.19:
19) "Honor thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as
thyself."Principles that guide
us to divine purpose."Getting
along with others" = to be connected.To
be effective, most successful in ministry support, developing the vision we have
good relations with people.1.
relations with the pastor. Spiritual
Guidance.2. Good
relations with other servers and collaborators.3. Good relationships with
church members.4. You
should relate well to those who are in authority over you.Pastor, apostle,
teacher, evangelist, prophet.The
key to its success is the ability to undergo the one in
your leaders and submit to them, for they watch for your souls, as those who
must give account, that they do so with joy and not with grief: for that is
unprofitable for you." (Hebrews 13:17 )How do we relate AND
WHY?Fixation with joy,
because it is helpful to us.Having an
attitude of cooperation and help with vision.Must respect
and honor your spirit guides properly.Before
someone is in a key position of service, see if you have
If the pastor communicates remaining vision embodied in the church, and the key
servers say "you preach, I do mine. I
do not tell you what to preach "that's a rebellious
worship and praise Based on the ministry of the word of faith which we preach is
to align what is sung for exaltation to God's name.Connected
with the same vision for what God Worship is.Servers
that advise, do so in the same line of what is taught and preached. No
manipulating, but teaching them to take decisions of faith to live in victory.
Teaching principles, not
to be dependent.It's
a risk that people who do not demonstrate submission are
may have talent and ability, but not the right attitude in the doctrine of
Christ. If
these talents and abilities not available to vision, can cause more problems
than benefits.Respect
and honor that you give to the pastor that his head is Christ, who is authorized
by Christ, will be an example to follow.Relate well with
other servers and collaborators.Doing only the apostle is not enough.
We must have a sense of team we work.
In training and service groups.
all things that would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this
is the law and the prophets." (Mt 7:12)True
success is when all work in their full potential.The
ministry will never be the extent of someone's ego, but an expression of God's
love. Contact
the goal of being a peacemaker, not a problem generator."If
you can do, as is in you, live peaceably with all men." (Rom.
12:18)Pull out the best in
others.Relate well with the members of
the church. Cultivate
healthy relationships, especially with those who are under their authority and
supervision.You have to manage
without arousing hostility issues. Some people are up the title to
the HEAD. Shaft: Rehoboam."And
they spake unto him, saying, If thou be kind to this people, and agradares, and
speak good words to them, they will serve you forever." (2 Cró.10:
7)Not follow the advice. THE DEAL BAD PEOPLE. Tactless.People
should be treated with honor, respect and above all with love. (1 Corinthians 13)We
can create a productive environment in which to operate successfully the plan of
glad to resolve conflict situations and bear good fruit with their
Lerma for him:Victor R. Pr Preciado
invite you to visit with great respect the blogspot that God has given me
(Matthew 10:8 b) "... you have received, freely give." And,
with much love I have some studies that God has revealed to me. (Ephesians
3:8) "To me, who am less than the least of all saints, this grace was given me
preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ." (Ephesians
4:29) "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but only what is
good for necessary edification, that it may minister grace unto the
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