7:3-9 ) " 3 For the Pharisees and all the Jews , holding the tradition
of the elders , if often not wash their hands , do not eat. 4 And they come from the market , except they wash , they eat not. And many other things which they have received to hold, as the washing of cups, and pots , and metal utensils , and of tables . May
was asked So the Pharisees and scribes : Why do your disciples not walk
according to the tradition of the elders , but eat bread with unwashed
hands ? 6
He answered and said unto them hypocrites, well did Isaiah prophesy of
you , as it is written : 'This people honors me with their lips , but
their heart is far from me . 7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me , teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. 8
For laying aside the commandment of God , ye hold the tradition of men,
as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such things you do . 9 You say well ye reject the commandment of God for your tradition . "
What motivates adoration of an entire Mexican country to such traditions ? there
is no longer any difference being in the world or be in a Christian
congregation and celebrating absolutely all traditions of each people in
each region of Mexico with such fervor established forgetting what the
word and follow the traditions that our parents taught us without any biblical foundation .(
Galatians 1:13-14 ) " 13 For ye have heard of my manner of life in
Judaism, how I persecuted the church of God , and wasted it : 14 And in
Judaism beyond many of my contemporaries in my nation , being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers. "(
Colossians 2:8 ) "Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and
vain deceit , after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the
world, and not after Christ."
What is Worship ? Immediately also one wonders : Why do we as Christians seldom express our worship to God through concrete ? Or is that just a TRADITION Worship Sunday ?(
Matthew 4:10 ) " Jesus said to him , Go , Satan: for it is written,
Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God , and serve him only ."(Luke
4:8 ) " Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me , Satan:
for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God , and serve Him
only ."
I would like to propose a new statement : MORE TO TRADITION , THE WORSHIP IS ACTION ! A
I mean , (John 4:23,24 ) " 23 But the hour cometh , and now is, when
the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for
the Father seeketh such to worship him 24 God is spirit: and they that worship him in spirit and in truth must worship " .
than a tradition to come every Sunday to the congregation and practice "
Worship " Worship to God is vital and fundamental part of our Christian
life . NOT only Sunday but DAILY ! (Luke
4:14-19 ) " 14 And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee
, and news of Him went out through all the surrounding country .
15 And he taught in their synagogues , being glorified by all. 16
And he came to Nazareth , where He had been brought up, and on the
Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as his custom was , and stood up
to read . 17
And He was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah He unrolled the scroll
and found the place where it was written : 18 Spirit of the Lord is
upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor, He
has sent me to heal to
the brokenhearted , to preach deliverance to the captives, and
recovering of sight to the blind , to set at liberty them that are
bruised, 19 to preach the acceptable year of the Lord " .
passage from Luke immediately follows the passage which tells us that
Jesus had been 40 days in the wilderness ( Mark 1:13 ) "And he was there
in the wilderness forty days , tempted by Satan , and was with the wild
beasts , and angels attended him . " The first thing Jesus performed after this experience in the desert is going to the synagogue for a Declaration of Mission. According
to this passage , which originally comes from ( Isaiah 61:1-11 ) , the
Mission Statement of Jesus is summarized in the following concrete
actions of service:
1) Give good news to the poor.2 ) Heal the brokenhearted .3 ) Touting the captives free .4) Give sight to the blind .5 ) Release the oppressed .To
preach the acceptable year of the Lord Jesus' life not only summarizes
the time that he spent alone Worshiping the father but lived a life
mission Worship by SERVICE neighbor.
" WORSHIP " = IS SERVICE TO GOD ! ( Matthew 20:28 ) "The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many." When
visiting a cemetery one of the things that is striking is the writings
on the tombstones and the graves of many dead there. For example some say : ' You will always be remembered , were the best father or son - You left too early , etc, etc. . The dedication is the legacy he leaves a person from this world to eternity. (
Acts 13:36 ) "For David, after he had served his own generation by the
will of God , fell asleep, and was laid unto his fathers , and saw
corruption . "
The service to Jehovah God and neighbor is the greatest dedication to one's life . Jehovah God created us to SERVE , not to BE SERVED . It's
the Bible tells us that it is better to give than receive (Acts 20:35)
"In everything I showed you that by so toiling one must help the weak,
remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said : It is more blessed to give than to receive. "
The commercial world around us daily for us to buy this and that. On the Radio , TV, and newspapers that arrive daily at the house we are told that we have to EAT , EAT , AND EAT . Even
many Christians have adopted this mentality of " Consumerism " in the
congregations and say if I do not get what I need in this congregation I
go to another because I do not get what you need .
want to challenge you this morning to meditate later in the dedication
of your tomb if possible so that you can say : - Victor was a servant of
God Alexander worshiped God , serving his generation -Amalia dedicated
his life to serving God would like to propose the study of the word SERVE !
ACROSTIC OF THE WORD " SERVE" :S : HOLINESS : And What is Holiness ? It
is the disposition , attitude, appearance, shape , circumstance ,
condition, state or quality of being set apart for the service of the
Lord God and the opposite of holiness is CORRUPTION ! To serve God Holiness look for in your life . Maybe you wonder : Who can be holy if we are all sinners ? ... The Bible says ! But
at the same time the Bible instructs us ( 1 Peter 1:16) " For it is
written , Be ye holy , for I am holy . " Salvation is an ACT and
Holiness is a PROCESS . Salvation is a divine act of God by grace , holiness is a process and part of our life of worship to God. Holiness is what God demands in our service to Him
Holiness purifies our hearts . Search for holiness in our lives is to worship God in Spirit and in Truth ! KING HEART ASA : (2 Chronicles 14:15) tell the story of a famous king in the Old Testament. King Asa was king of the southern kingdom Judah and Israel was the northern kingdom . (2 Chronicles 14:2 ) tells us that Asa did what was good and right in the eyes of the LORD his God. Quito gods altars and images ( 2Crónicas33 : 15 ) . Command that all Judah seeketh God , and keep the commandments. Asa was and demolition Even pictures that his mother was at home ! ASA HAD AMBITION FOR SERVING GOD IN HOLINESS ! While Asa HOLINESS maintained an attitude in serving Jehovah God ALL WELL YOU CAME TO HIM .
If you want to serve God need to seek holiness of God in your life. How? Stop
corrupt acts as stated in : ( Galatians 5:19-21 ) " 19 are manifest
works of the flesh are : adultery , fornication, uncleanness ,
lasciviousness , 20 Idolatry , witchcraft, hatred , variance, emulations
wrath, strife , seditions , heresies, 21 envy, murders , drunkenness,
revelries , and things like these, of which I forewarn you just as I did
before, that those who practice such things will not inherit the
kingdom of God. "
E: EXCELLENCE : Service to God can not be mediocre Excellence in Worship is what God seeks of you . We are called to Success - Excellence and Defeat . We are called to ay offensive not defensive . In
the Christian life we are called to play offense , to be front and
score goals , speak and testify of Christ and let God that defend us. Service to God is to score goals the enemy! You IF YOU CAN , because ( Filipenses4 : 13 ) " I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me." Guidelines for a life of Excellence :
1) ASSUME responsibility. Refuses to be a person who makes excuses or accuses . The worst thing you can do is to live a life of excuses and blaming circumstances for your condition.2 ) CREE you can change. Do not say " I can not " and start saying " If I can " because " I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me."
) CLARIFY what needs to change in your life , write it down on paper,
on the wall, on your computer .... and pray to God to help you .4) DO NOT WAIT until ideal circumstances. Do not say " One of these days " ... Because you're actually saying "None of these days." Prays
to God saying this simple prayer : " God help me to be different this
week and do better , give me your strength, Amen " . Dear
friends, I am not here talking about a course on " Positive Mindset "
but I'm talking here about an attitude amended by Jehovah God. Having this attitude changed I can also provide the utmost in worship and service to God.
A: RADICAL : The service of God is with full, nothing is half . There
is a passage in the Bible that challenges me a lot: ( Matthew 10:37-38 )
"He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me , and
he who loves son or daughter more than me , not worthy of me . And
whoever does not take his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me
. " This is a BIG challenge ... because I love my parents , children,
wife , BUT my love for God must be higher . To work and SERVE GOD needed a RADICAL attitude . Our
conduct must be accompanied by an attitude RADICAL and say "Yes, Lord
Here I Am , I follow You wherever You want me to go ." What does it mean to be Radical ? It means taking concrete and visible steps to risk and sacrifice to fulfill the will of God. The Worship of God is living a Radical ! And How?
1. First,
Jesus indicated to his disciples to be a RADICAL has its PRICE : Jesus
told the rich young man ( Luke 18:22 ) " Jesus heard this, he said : You
still lack one thing: sell all you have and give the poor , and thou shalt have treasure in heaven : and come , follow me. " To be a RADICAL there is a price to pay. Are you willing to leave SERVE ALL to Jehovah God?
Two . Second,
Jesus declared to his disciples to be a RADICAL has RISKS Jesus told
his disciples : "There will be places where NO would be welcome." It is very risky to be a Christian in many parts of the world. Are you willing to risk to SERVE GOD ?
Three . Third,
Jesus declared to his disciples to be a RADICAL has REWARD Jesus had
sent the disciples on their first missionary journey and instructed them
to do so in a RADICAL , taking nothing with them . (Luke 10:17-19 ) " And the seventy returned with joy, saying, Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name. 18And he said unto them , I beheld Satan fall from heaven like lightning. 19He
you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the
power of the enemy: and nothing shall hurt you . " God with The delivery
SERVICE RADICAL has REWARD . It is telling that the word :
Read the Bible instead of the newspaper in the morning , is to be RADICALCancel dinner with friends to go to the group home, is to be RADICAL
V : COURAGE - Courage : The kingdom of God does not serve the cowards . Service is only for those with courage and bravery . The Christian life is NOT for sissies . Only
for those with bravery and courage facing his situation and tell
Chapters 4 to 6 of Nehemiah give a picture very difficult for Nehemiah. (
Nehemiah 4:7-8 ) " 7 But it came to pass when Sanballat, Tobiah, the
Arabs, the Ammonites and the men of Ashdod , that the walls of Jerusalem
were being restored and the gaps were beginning to be closed , they
were very wroth , 8 and conspired all of them together to come and fight against Jerusalem and hurt " . Because coming Sanballat , Tobiah and Gesem , all enemies , to destroy the work that was in progress. (
Nehemiah 6:14) "Remember , my God, Tobiah and Sanballat according to
these things that they made Noadiah remember also the prophetess, and
the other prophets who sought to instill fear." But
Nehemiah had COURAGE COURAGE and to go forward and the Bible says that
did not stop any day and that in 52 days rebuilt the entire wall around
Jerusalem . This leads me to examine with you to do when the pressures of life overwhelm you and the enemy attacks you .
1. The First Strike : The Mockery ( Nehemiah 4:1-3 ) . Mockery is the first of the attacks suffered by Nehemiah. The enemy first thing you want to do in your life is making fun of you and put you through ridiculous. The
person who starts delivery SERVE God with faces these comments : o
You're not ready for this, you have not studied , no good for this or
can you do you just worked so hard or is just passing emotion , and you will
happen the enemy does not like us to have : o heart and humble spirit
or Radical Faith in God or Personal Commitment to God and he will do
everything possible so that we do not have BRAVERY and cOURAGE to sERVE
God. Nehemiah 'm not intimidated by the ridicule of their enemies but they went and told his HEAD . When the enemy comes against you ...... see and talk to your " Boss" ! Since your boss will take care of the problem for you!
Two . Second attack : The 4 " D " ( Nehemiah 4:7-8 ) . As Nehemiah ignored him to mockery then continued to attack enemies hoping that Nehemiah off guard . The second attack of the enemy into our lives is summarized in the 4 " D " .1) discouragement : Discouragement comes when we lose strength and this is because we are tired . Discouragement is a virus dangers if not treated immediately begins to eat away at our heart and spirit.2 ) fail or LOSE : When we are discouraged and weak or faint faint . Since we have no desire to go to church . We have no desire to SERVE .3 ) stop us now: What Nehemiah's enemies want to do is discourage and then stop the work they were doing in Jerusalem. The enemy will try to do everything possible to stop your joy to follow and serve Christ in life.4) FORWARD : Once you have stopped it is easier to find a detour from the route by which you were traveling . It's like driving a car on a road that is full of holes and bumps and it becomes difficult to manage. The easiest and natural is discouraged, stop and look for a detour.
said (Matthew 7:13-14 ) " 13Entrad at the strait gate : for wide is the
gate, and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many there
be which go in thereat: 14For strait is the gate , and narrow the road that leads to life , and few there be that find it " .
Brothers attacks sure to come into our lives. The birds always fly over our heads but we do deny that nest on our head. Nehemiah
was severely attacked by their enemies but when you're trusting in the
Lord God has COURAGE COURAGE and to cope with the pressures of life. My brothers how are you courage and bravery these days ? Did you find out the enemy 's desire to SERVE ?
It Active : When the enemy comes kneel! and stick to the word of God.Remember who is on your side : ( Romans 8:31 ) "What then shall we say to this? If God is for us , who can be against us? "Remember that God will give you POWER because he 's on your side .
I: INTEGRITY: The Servant / a of God must walk INTEGRITY to SERVE God. The
Worship of God is with Integrity (2 Chronicles 16:9) "For the eyes of
the Lord range throughout the earth to show Himself strong on behalf of
those whose heart is perfect toward him . " God desires that do SERVE with INTEGRITY a PERFECT HEART . Jesus
in the Sermon on the Mount said (Matthew 5:8 ) "Blessed are the pure in
heart , for they shall see God. " A pure heart is a heart ENTIRETY That
means having
a sense of responsibility : I mean I 'm going to take responsibility in
all areas of my life and not let laziness between me and bring me down .This year my family neglects not going to take responsibility as a father and mother and son inside the house . I will fight for my marriage stability .I will take responsibility within my church . Do not speak over the " church to which I " but in " My Church " .I will take responsibility to tithe and give offerings regularly and not only when I have spare or when I please .
Two . Be an example for others.I get over as an individual and does not justify my condition will fight for change .Doom bury you forever and conformity.I'm eating right and avoiding excessive weight .I seek God daily devotional taking a while .Beloved
INTEGRITY SERVICE is vital in God because God continually looking for
people whom you can delegate the responsibility to: - Give good news to
the poor, heal the brokenhearted , proclaim liberty to the captives ,
sight to Give the
blind , to set at liberty them that are bruised , to preach the
acceptable year of the Lord Jesus Christ the Lord wants to bring a high
level but it can only be done if you are a person who SERVED wITH
: JOY : ( Psalm 100:1-5 ) Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth ,
Serve God with gladness: come before his presence with singing . Here are some characteristics of a SERVANT / A GRATEFUL such as Psalm 100 speaks :1. Grateful Servants tasks performed ALL SAME DEDICATION . Many
times between servants started saying that I was not cut out for this
or that and come to the point when we begin to decide what we want to do
and do NOT want to do.
the more "sophisticated and spiritual " servants say, "Oh is that God
has given me this gift , that's why I can not I do it." Psalm
100 tells us to serve God with joy, recognize that the Lord is God ,
NOT saying that we should serve Him if we have the will . But to serve Him and Him with a willing heart THANKS to perform all tasks with equal dedication .
Two . Servants
serve PLEASING thanked God Paul says this in Galatians about SERVICE : (
Galatians 1:10) " I do not seek the approval of men , but God's
approval . I seek not look good with men. If
I wanted to look good to men, it would not be a servant of Christ ! "
Remember that service to God is not to look good to men, not to look
good with Pastor but is done to please God .
Three . Grateful
Servants not walk COMPLAINING ( Colossians 3:23) " Whatever you do , do
it heartily, as working for the Lord and not to men. " Listen , many
people serve , but not all do with a joyful heart . Many
serve because they feel a responsibility to do but they do with
grateful hearts , do it out of obligation or fear of what others will
say . Sometimes it's better not to do something if you are not convinced and do it with a joyful heart . Paul says that everything we do we do of good will , happy , as if we were doing for God himself.
of Acts tells us : "For David, after he had served his own generation
by the will of God, fell asleep . " Let me ask you again :Are you serving God in your generation by the will of God?Are you living a life of Worship that includes all days of the week? I challenge you to SERVE GOD with :HOLINESS : Looking to please Jesus Christ.EXCELLENCE : Giving the best of you to Jesus Christ.RADICAL DELIVERY : In total abandonment to Jesus Christ .COURAGE AND COURAGE : No fear .INTEGRITY OF HEART : With a Perfect Heart .JOY : With joy in your heart, not grudgingly.
Lerma PREACHING by: Victor R. SHEPHERD Preciado BalderramaHello
brothers greet you with love in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ , and
with a single purpose of being built their lives and ministries joy to
greet me and God gives me the opportunity to serve if I may, and with all respect to his doctrine or denomination, my only interest is to run the Sound Doctrine of Christ , I am offering :FREE BIBLE MATERIALSEverything
is completely free, as a writer of these materials I'll give you the
originals to you put the name of your church or your ministry or you do
the modifications seem appropriate to you . My
interest is to give me the opportunity to serve it very clear to me
that my calling is not to be a starter but to serve , and the Sound
Doctrine of Christ flow like a mighty river arroyando trash all
if you are interested write me pidiéndomelos these materials to any of
the following email , and I will gladly and love to Christ will send
them immediately without question and that the Holy Spirit will lead and
take the right path, just ask in this same love NOT SELL : what dalo receive grace grace .viclaly.57.57 @ gmail.comviclaly_57_57@hotmail.comviclaly_57_57@yahoo.comI
also invite you with great respect for all beliefs to visit BLOGSPOT
God has given me and, with much love I put some studies that God has
given me a revelation , Ephesians 3:8 .
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