martes, 24 de septiembre de 2013


( Proverbs 14:17, 29 ) " 17 He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly : and a man of wicked devices is hated. 29 He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding : but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly . "
( Proverbs 15:18) " A wrathful man stirs up strife, but he who is slow to anger appeases strife ."
( Proverbs 19:11) " The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger, And his glory to pass over a transgression ."
(Ecclesiastes 7:9 ) " Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger rests in the bosom of fools ."

I'm aware of my character , this is my week because my character, my temperament and my personality will be submitted to the Lordship of Christ. Christ gave birth to a new character in Peter after a fish eat together the seashore. He did the same with John each night as he leaned on his side. Transforming my character to the character of Christ. By submitting my temperament to the Lordship of Christ.

We are the clay , the Doctrine of Christ means the counsels of God and His Word that remove our character tedious imperfect , ugly and rotten we often have . But often it is necessary that Jesus Christ has broken and new start from powder to give us a true form.

(Psalm 2:9 ) "Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron, like earthenware them to pieces ."

( Jeremiah 18:6 ) " Can I not do with you as this potter , O house of Israel? saith the Lord. Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand , so are ye in my hand , O house of Israel. "

( Romans 9:21 ) " Hath not the potter power over the clay, to make from the same lump one vessel for honor and another for dishonor? " .

That is the Lordship of Christ? Lordship is the attitude of complete surrender and obedience to Jesus Christ. These words are translated as Lord. The title of Lord is applied to God in the Old Testament :

( Psalm 90:1 ) " Lord , thou hast been our refuge from generation to generation." In the New Testament the Lord Jesus, not only as a term of consideration , but official recognition of his Lordship :
( Acts 2:36 ) " Know , therefore, let all the house of Israel , that this Jesus , whom you crucified , God has made Lord and Christ."

There are several viruses of character, our character degenerate bacteria rendering it impossible to control the bacteria , the virus spread all over the world is the IRA . Let us see how it manifests. We have at least four types of personality with regard to anger.

( Proverbs 19:19) " A man of great wrath shall suffer punishment : but if used for violence , to do it again " . This personality type is not stopped by anyone or anything , does not care if family or not, strikes fear into those around you , not care about the consequences and are far more ground and what legal right the enemy will yield on the other hand are most repent for the damage they cause to those who are close to them . Since then his condition is not approved by Jehovah God because he is violent ( a) and carrier of new evils that says he loves and likewise ( a) .

( Proverbs 29:22 ) " An angry man stirs up strife , and a furious one commits many sins ." They are waiting for the right opportunity and think, the occasion with premeditation, treachery and advantage : Do not neglect because it is going to go wrong , the time is mine , you 'll remember what you did , you'd better not done nothing. etc . Of course, these thoughts Jehovah God reproves them , because contests motivate endless rematches product by both parties faltarse orillándoles to sin and love.

Three . BECOME THAT ANGER AND get even OR OTHER FORMS OF OTHERS. (Amos 1:11) " Thus saith the Lord : For three transgressions of Edom , and for four I will not revoke its punishment, Because he pursued his brother with the sword , and violated all pity , and his anger always stole , and perpetually saved the grudge . " They are looking not who did it but who pays for it, take it out on who can or who have close , their children are usually given through vent their anger against someone weaker than them. How does this scripture in his anger, peace rob those around them and build up resentment against those who hurt . Since then the Lord God does not approve because it is sin.

April . BECOME THE YEARS THAT ANGER AND LIVE SO bitter. ( Hebrews 12:14, 15 ) "Follow peace with all men, and holiness , without which no man shall see the Lord . Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God and that no root of bitterness springing up , I trouble, and by it many be defiled . " These one day explode irreversibly for the years charged anything and everything . His anger was contained in a corner, said nothing but kept it for different reasons, the testimony , the children , the house , keep the spouse, not look bad with the family, etc. . Always thought better not say go and I stand , but not freed from anger, and one day lose control of themselves and explode very strong , thwarting what is on your side and no value it. These four ways to proceed with respect to anger have 6 things in common.

1.Su heart is far from God's will . 2.No show compassion for others . 3.No have demanded humility in a Christian God . 4.Están in reviling judgment . 5.Impiden the blessing of God for them and their home. 6.No are pleasing to God .
( Leviticus 19:18) " Thou shalt not avenge , nor bear any grudge against the children of your people , but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord " . Anger is a precursor of many evils besides that judgment by the Lord Jesus , that compares become angry with our brother to kill him .

(Matthew 5:21-22 ) " But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother shall be liable to judgment , and whoever says , 'You fool his brother shall be liable to the council , and whoever says : fool, ( silly, stupid , delusional , ridiculous, etc. . ) will be in danger of hell fire. "

1st COUNCIL . Making the decision to change , and to subject my character this is not something that we should ask the Lord God to send urgent , nor should pray that we like it. This is not an emotion , it is a decision , a conviction based on a change in attitude. Take the example of a concrete determination as in ( Nehemiah 2:5 ) " and said the king, If it please the king , and if your servant has found favor before you, send me to Judah , to the city of the tombs of my parents , build it " , he said well let's improve the site, we will try to fix it , better try than do nothing ...

The 2nd COUNCIL . Watering the Throne of God from morning prayers every day Ask for wisdom to avert the wrath ( Proverbs 29:8 ) " Scornful men bring a city into a snare: but wise men turn away wrath ." Just as the daily food is necessary for the body , wisdom is essential to ward off anger and the consequences of our walk as children of God. It is a constant struggle where you should not let your guard down because if not defended , the enemy will break down and you can lose your testimony in a few minutes. You alone ( a) can not defeat this terrible feeling, requires the help of the Holy Spirit will give you wisdom if you ask in prayer every day.

ANNEX or BRACE TEN POINTS : As the HOLY SPIRIT involved in the Lordship of Christ in our character :
1) WALK IN : ( Galatians 5:16) " I say then , walk in the Spirit and not fulfill the lust of the flesh."
2 ) BEING FILLED : ( Ephesians 5:18) " Do not be drunk with wine, wherein is excess , but be filled with the Spirit."
3 ) LED BY : ( John 16:13 ) " But when He, the Spirit of Truth will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak on his own , he will speak only what he hears, and he will show you things to come " .
4) PRAYING IN : (Jude 1:20) " But you, beloved , building up yourselves on your most holy faith , praying in the Holy Spirit , "
5) DO NOT APAGÁNDOLE : ( 1 Thessalonians 5:19) " Do not quench the Spirit. "
6) ministered to by : ( John 14:26 ) " But the Comforter , the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said . "
7) LIVING IN : ( Galatians 5:25) " If we live by the Spirit , let us also walk by the Spirit"
8) NO CONTRISTÁNDOLE : ( Proverbs 15:1 ) "And contristes not the Holy Spirit of God , with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption "
9) Do not grieve the Holy Spirit ( Ephesians 4:30 ) " And grieve not the holy Spirit of God , whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption " .
10) SEEKING TO OBEY THE DOCTRINE OF CHRIST ( Ephesians 4:13) "until we all reach unity in the faith and knowledge of the Son of God , unto a perfect man , unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ " .

COUNCIL 3rd . Make a list of names with people I chat daily Determine to use soft answers. It is always a good resource silence during moments of anger, but it is much better to use soft words soothe anger seeking this form of lead amid anger is not easy does not come in a miraculous way , it requires a discipline, based on Jesus Christ, in a spirit of self which we must be saved as starting exercise should be our conduct when angry , and practice will give us success.

The 4th COUNCIL . Redial with fluorescent names with those who:
1) Suffer the grievance ( 1 Corinthians 6:7 ) "So, already it is altogether a defect in you that you have lawsuits among yourselves . Why do ye not rather take wrong? Why not rather be defrauded? " . Of course no one likes to suffer an insult , slander , assault , rejection , insult , etc. . But if Jesus Christ by Paul recommends lips suffer wrong is for good reason . When you 've received a spirit of obedience that seeks to please Jesus Christ then gives you a blessing instead of a curse and lament changes our dancing and our mourning into joy. Only you need to experience it and take it as a way of life , seeking approval of who wrote this commandment in his Sound Doctrine of Christ.

2) Do not take it out ( Romans 12:19 ) "Do not avenge yourselves , beloved, but give place unto wrath : for it is written, Vengeance is mine , I will repay, says the Lord." Give time to the Lord to avenge us, always will in a special way without causing human the recoveries that lead to new quarrels and hatreds buildup between quarreling .

3) Do not let anger lasts more than 24 hours ( Ephesians 4:26,27 ) " 26 Be ye angry , and sin not : let not the sun go down on your wrath , 27 nor give place to the devil." When the day goes with all your cares and burdens and we can not fix what we did wrong and improve on what we did well , writing simply says : ( Mat 6:34) " Therefore do not be anxious for the day tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself . Sufficient unto the day is the evil " . And so we think that our anger has no rationale, just discard it with the new light of the day , asking the Lord to be gentle with the new opportunity given to us each morning.

1) INDICATED FOR WITH OTHER CHRISTIANS : ( Galatians 6:2-3 ) " Bear one another's burdens , and so fulfill the law of Christ . He who thinks he is something when he is nothing , he deceives himself . "
2 ) HELPING THE NEEDY : ( Acts 11:29 ) "Then the disciples, every man according to his ability, determined to send relief to the brothers living in Judea ."
3 ) FELLOWSHIP : ( Acts 2:42 ) " And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine , in fellowship , in the breaking of bread and to prayer ."
4) FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD : ( 1 Peter 4:7 ) "And above all things have fervent love among yourselves , for love covers a multitude of sins"
5 ) BUILDING MUTUAL : ( 1 Thessalonians 5:11) "Therefore encourage one another and build each other as well as they do."

6) INDICATED WITH SIGNS OF GROWTH : ( 2 Peter 3:18) " But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ . To him be glory both now and to the day of eternity . Amen "
7) FULL OF FRUITS: (John 15:2 ) " Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that bears fruit He prunes that it may bear more fruit. "
8) PERSEVERANCE ( 1 Corinthians 15:58) "Therefore my beloved brethren , be steadfast, immovable , abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."
9) CHASE : ( 2 Timothy 3:10,11 ) " But you followed my teaching , conduct, purpose, faith , longsuffering, charity , patience , persecutions , afflictions as happened to me at Antioch, at Inconio and Lystra , persecutions I've suffered, and all the Lord delivered me . "
10) Obedience ( Philippians 2:12-13 ) "Therefore my beloved, as ye have always obeyed , not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out our salvation with fear and trembling , for God is which produces in you to will and to do of his good pleasure. "
11) Good Works : ( James 2:26 ) "For the body without the spirit is dead , so faith without works is dead . "

5 SOLUTIONS to How to overcome bitterness :
To start you have to recognize that part of your being is suffering as a result of bitterness. Start by being aware of your actions , your reactions to others , notice how you react with your loved ones , same with your friends or co-workers : put up with jokes or jokes or later , then you get angry and you take it from personally ? You know how to react when someone messes with you until you are ( a) you are surprised , maybe not immediately , but after you reflect and say, Why am I like this? . Be honest ( a) you also acknowledges that there is bitterness in your soul , because you do not take the loneliness . It is the worst consequence of the bitter. Just look around you who would like to be with people bitter ?
   2 )ACT !
When you recognize the problems that have kept prisoner ( a) , Act , begins to forgive. Little by little , be free from evil. Start taking small steps to become the person you want to be . Define who you are and to where you're going . Your life will change with the help of Christ and the Holy Spirit.
You have to forgive . It is a requirement of God. If you do not forgive , you will not be forgiven . There is no other alternative. ( Mark 11:26 ) "But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses."
Forgiveness is a choice and a decision. Emotions do not want to forgive. The mind will want revenge , sometimes through force or violence . There is no light thing for a human to forgive. It is not natural or easy. It goes against the very core of his being, but is crucial to our quality of life and the eternal future .
Forgiveness is not to say that what we did was right. We forgive because God forgives LORD , and commanded us to do the same . While you remain subject to the wounds you caused others , will remain subject to the past . You have the freedom to live in the present. The bitterness of the past influences the present relations .

   3 ) Free or play to the person who has offended you , from all liability and obligations than you think to qualify . The word forgiveness in the original Greek means drop, to free and compared to a punishment that existed in ancient times , where the person killed was punished , placing the dead , tied behind his back, and he was locked into a dead cell with the above , this began to give out bad smell , to rot and decompose , the worms came to eat the body and gradually felt firsthand murderer as the pieces fell , helplessly . It was a terrible torture .
The same happens when someone has bitterness in his soul ,takes a dead body, that sucks, behind his back and is contaminating everything !
By forgiving we are unleashing the offender. This is the key to your freedom , otherwise it will remain attached to it . Every time you see or you are faced with him or her and you hear from him or her , hatred , bitterness , resentment and bitterness , will appear and you will be arrested, tied to it and not have freedom, that every People need to see life with hope and love.

Yes we do not grant freedom or we release the offender , we are slowing the work of God in us because we are not ready to continue in the development of the Christian life .
When you receive an offense ,decides to forgive and be free !
You have to change and truly repent . You need to stop hating and humble , stop being angry , stop being annoyed, frustrated, irritated , annoyed . You have to stop thinking about how to get revenge. Reprisals never really satisfied . Always bring negative .
   4) Forgive yourself .
Many people can forgive others but they can not forgive themselves . If you do not forgive yourself , then you are not saying that God has forgiven you.
Most people with bitterness put unhealed wounds . The constant unforgiveness hinders healing of the wound.
Only the Holy Spirit of God can heal your wounds . Ask him right now and He will help you . " Paraclete " is the Greek name given to the Holy Spirit, means "one who is next to the other to help you." I imagine the work of a nurse , by the doctor willing to operate. The doctor with all his knowledge and wisdom , in one operation, could do little without the help of the nurse. The two working together make an effective team . It is also the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives need our cooperation to operate our wounded heart. The Holy Spirit wants you to be by his side doing your share and he will do his. You will pass over the wound gently holy ointment will anoint with fresh oil.
Lerma PREACHING by: Victor R. SHEPHERD Hello brothers Balderrama Preciado greeting them with much love in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ , and with a single purpose of being built their lives and ministries joy to greet me and God gives me the opportunity to serve if I may , and with all respect to his doctrine or denomination, my only interest is to run the Sound Doctrine of Christ , I am offering : fREE BIBLE mATERIALS everything is completely free, as a writer of these materials I'll give you the originals to put him the name of your church or your ministry or you do the modifications seem appropriate to you . My interest is to give me the opportunity to serve it very clear to me that my calling is not to be a starter but to serve , and the Sound Doctrine of Christ flow like a mighty river arroyando trash all ignorance. Please if you are interested write me pidiéndomelos these materials to any of the following email , and I will gladly and love to Christ will send them immediately without question and that the Holy Spirit will lead and take the right path, just ask in this same love NOT SELL : what dalo receive grace grace . viclaly.57.57 @ @ @ / I also invite you with great respect for all beliefs to visit BLOGSPOT God has given me and, with much love I put some studies God gave me a revelation , Ephesians 3:8 . /

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