children of believers are leaving the Christian church. According
to surveys, three out of five young people in our country abandon the Christian
faith and therefore, the Church. Our
young people are dropping out of church, abandon the faith and values of their
parents! Beware, some of
these young people can be your children! What is happening to
the children of believers? Why leave the church? Can you stop this terrible
process? We
see that this is not something new, in the Bible we find that many of the
children of great men of faith, also defected from it.
Samuel 2:12) "The sons of Eli were wicked, and had no knowledge of the Lord.
Who was Eli? Its name means "high, high"
Was it? It
was the high priest and judge in the city of Shiloh, in the house of Jehovah.
Who were their children?
(man of the hill boxer) and Phinehas (mouth snake) two men (priests)
They had no knowledge of
God 1 Samuel 2:12
They had little
sacrifices in 1 Samuel 2:13-17, 28,29
Fornicated with the
"parishioners" 1 Samuel 2:22
Who failed here, Eli or your
children? (1
Samuel 8:1-3) "came to pass when Samuel was old, that he made his sons judges
over Israel. 2 and the name of his firstborn was Joel, and the name of his
second, Abijah: they were judges in Beersheba. 3,
but sons walked not in the ways of his father, but turned aside after dishonest
gain, took bribes and perverted justice. "
Joel = Lord is God
Abijah = the Lord is my Father. They reflected? Meaning of
their names? The
vr 3 reads "sons walked not in the ways of his father." Is it good
or bad does not walk in the ways of our fathers? It depends on how are the
ways of their parents.
13 most critical reasons why young people reject the Christian faith
The attraction of worldly
hypocrites in the church 19.3%
Peer pressure unbelievers
Strong loyalty to my
non-Christian friends 11.4%
Deficient Christian
models at home 7.9%
Oras reasons
The Christian adults
do not listen, sermonize 5.1%
There is time to repent after
shame to be called hallelujah 4.0%
Too many questions about the
Bible 3.8%
Christianity has too many
rules 1.6%
Christianity is not
related to my life 1.2%
to believe that Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation
give you the opportunity to list the reasons mentioned above, as you believe are
most important. Three reasons
why young people leave their faith i. Because
I never made a decision for Jesus Christ genuine parents and they embraced
Christianity began to take their children to church, being exposed (the
children) from small to all information that allows a person to be a Christian,
it is likely that children,
now become young, accepted these beliefs as a result of cultural faith.
There are two things
in this worthy of note
is in this an advantage growing up in a Christian home has allowed privileged
access to knowledge of God and his word. From
childhood have been able to learn concepts that can not only give them
salvation, but make their lives that much more rich, fulfilling and worth
living. They've
got to know the counsel of God that can deliver a multitude of situations of
pain and suffering as a result of sin.
is also a practical disadvantage knowledge without an effect of immunization.
young people know but do not live and therefore might think that the gospel
really does not work and is not used for everyday life. They
may think that being in church is the same as being part of the family of God
and therefore not see or understand the need for personal
many of these young people has been or there is a confusion in relation to the
conversion experience do you think own personal conviction or because they have
received these beliefs of their parents? Have
you accepted Jesus Christ as Savior or have accepted an ethics and morality?
Do you have a
religion or a relationship with God?
the poor models of spirituality there are two basic frameworks for spiritual
identity formation of youth.
family religion is learned first in the home, and the quality of religious life
of parents and their active involvement in the church is the biggest influence
that adolescents. The
low spiritual quality of many parents parents cultivate their own spiritual
life, not take the time to better and deeper understanding of God and his word.
religious life has become a high percentage nominal, ie, nominalism is a
phenomenon in which Christians observe are characterized by minimal external
manifestations of Christian faith and little radical commitment to the ideals of
the gospel. The
direct result is the abandonment of faith and lifestyle. Values,
priorities, modes of behavior, delusions and other forces driving these adults
are not those emanating from the Bible, at least not primarily, if not moving
normals to any member of society. The
loss of biblical values naturally affects the children who see no consistency
between what parents say and what their parents live. It
is said, and rightly, that the young man closes his ear to advice and open your
eyes to example.
church, are we aware of the power that has the congregation molder on the
individual? If the
youth is a church cold. Legalistic,
little commitment to holiness, evangelism and lacking enthusiasm for the word
and work of God what will our youth? It
is likely to reject a faith that believes that it is probably hypocritical and
meaningless to him.
these two frameworks are weak and do not adequately fulfill its role, we are not
surprised that produces an abandonment of faith on the part of young people.
we do something to prevent the defection of young people in our
our young people to clarify their conversion experience teach you not become a
Christian by:
born in a
Christian home
attending church
to know
the Bible
being baptized only becomes Christian when we recognize that we have sinned,
repent of having done so, we ask forgiveness for our sins, and ask Jesus Christ
to live within us. This decision is not
freedoms for their doubts and crisis certainly is not bad, doubt is an
intellectual attitude that makes the person has a need for more information or a
better understanding than they currently have. The
question should not be confused with unbelief which is a refusal to believe.
unresolved question or repressed can be a seed of unbelief.
as a congregation serious criticism is affecting how our young people our life
as a congregation? Are
we a congregation with a lifestyle worthy of imitation? Are
we an encouragement, encouragement and motivation to the younger sector of our
brotherhood? Furthermore, we see
that says:
6:4-9 "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord. 'Love the Lord your God
with all your heart, and with all thy soul, and with all your strength. 6 and
these words which I command you today ,
shall be in thine heart: 7 And teach them diligently unto thy children, and
shalt talk of them when you sit in your house and walk by the way, and when thou
liest down, and when you rise. 8 and shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and
be as frontlets between your eyes 9 and write them on the doorposts of your
house and on your gates. "
Embody the word of
God in our lives vr 6. They'll
be on your heart if you do not model the faith as it should be our children will
not be attracted by it. The
children do not reject Christianity, but a distortion of it.
our children through constant repetition vr 7 and you shall teach them
diligently diligently used to indicate the action to sharpen a knife or tool by
passing several times on whetstone. Gradually
the word became "sharpen" "enter" "teach" it seems the idea is that repeating
the teachings of the law over and over again, the parents can be riveted or
reinforce in the minds and hearts of children.
us apply the word of God in every circumstance of life vv 7-9 we should teach
our children that our life is under divine control and therefore, should be
sacred. Also,
that the word of God includes everything, there is no neutral ground and we have
to live entirely for him. That's
why God requires that teaching be done in the daily life environment.
home, walk along the road, when you lie down and when you
children have to make their own decisions in relation to God. But
it is our responsibility to guide them to Christ and worry about whether they
have understood what it means to be a child of God, as parents, the challenge is
ours, not a pastor or a Sunday school teacher, is my responsibility.
children will avoid? Leave the church? Let's
start changing our concept so far have of God, of ourselves and of His church.
then will we be able to avoid such attrition
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