miércoles, 30 de enero de 2013

Ministry of Reconciliation

Lerma, Sunday, January 27, 2013
Ministry of Reconciliation(2 Corinthians 5:1-21)
AFTER THAT HAVE EXPERIENCED THE GRACE OF GOD believer through Christ is given the ministry of reconciliation.(2 Corinthians 5:18) "And this all comes from God, who reconciled nn himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation."
INTRODUCTIONThe apostle Paul was unsure About the Future. THE harbored a firm hope and eternal is the Doctrine of Christ. Nor had doubts concerning the Gospel of Christ. The purpose of Jehovah God in the Gospel of Christ and was still restore all that humanity has lost in the Fall of Adam in the Garden of, Eden. The gospel of Christ teaches us that because Jesus died on the cross of Calvary and His Life paid the price of our redemption, we enjoy the restoration of what that man lost, and Much More As children of God, redeemed by the Blood of Christ, we now enjoy a communion scammers LORD GOD deeper than that experienced Adam antes of his fall, when God walked in the garden in the cool of the day.
God's grace, His unmerited favor, is so great that we still provide the UN Better Than the Body of Adam before the Fall. From When Christ comes, our bodies resurrected and transformed sera paragraph up and go to meet the Lord. Our body will be immortal, incorruptible, para Never More services destroyed by death or decay. In the same way that Abraham expected a city basis, we await the arrival of the New Jerusalem. That place that God has prepared para Nosotros is even better place to live for eternity that he lived in the Garden Adam.
WHAT GIVES GRACE OF GOD THROUGH CHRIST:Confidence in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:1-10) "1 we do know because our earthly house of this tabernacle itself destroyed, we have no building of God, a house not made with hands of, eternal in the heavens. 2 And In This Also groan, earnestly desiring service clothed with our heavenly habitación; 3 For then will we be found clothed, not naked. 4 For we that are in distress with This tabernacle groan, not because we want service unclothed, covered Otherwise, para Tues that mortality swallowed up of life. 5 But the paragraph that NN selfsame thing is God, who has nn frieze the earnest of the Spirit. 6 Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are in the body we are absent the Lord 7 (BECAUSE We walk by faith, not by sight), 8 We are confident, and we want to be more absent from the Body, Present and the Lord. 9 Wherefore also, whether present or absent, nice Serle. 10 Why is It Necessary all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, para That each one may receive what he has done in his body while sea sea good or bad. "

A BETTER BODY:After Todas emphasize our present circumstances and Temporary and transient visible son, Christ through Paul mentions algorithms that constantly manifest weakness, pain and many limitations: our present body. Why Christ through the apostle refers to the Human Body itself here as a tabernacle?Why is the body only a temporary habitación human personality. Shocking God has something better for Believers. Shocking God has prepared a new body, which was completely different in the garden Creado. Our new body, a difference of what we have, will be eternal and incorruptible, and never be tainted by sin, or corruption and or Death. Be a body made to live in glory for eternity.
Is not that when we speak of a house? Immediately we think of the UN building built on strong foundations sunk some depth into the ground and supported by columns and walls of wood or concrete. In contrast, in Time When Moses spoke of home or dwelling could only think of Booths or Tabernacles raised at certain sites in the desert, the sand and tied by ropes held stakes. And the most common occupation at that time was the care of herds. Families going for this place a Caring Other Where would their cattle pasture. Hence his abode was temporary. Due to This constant mobilization, the tent or tabernacle which was used paragraph Housing itself became a symbol of the UN Very adequate Fragility and brevity of human life (Isaiah 38:12) "My home has been moved and transferred to me as a shepherd's tent. weaver As I cut my life, I cut with the disease, I consume between day and night. "
WHY THE APOSTLE PAUL moaning? (2 Corinthians 5:2) "And for this Also groan, earnestly desiring service clothed with our heavenly habitación".Very likely that you're suffering and afflicted men who were doing your body that Paul wanted to moan and covered service "with our house? Celestial" and receive his body transformed (1 Corinthians 15:51, 52, Romans 8:20-28) .
Paul did not seem to be wishing death destroy his present body. Paul Mas Well I was hoping not to be deprived of it, but have the joy of service celestial body coated with which God clothed Shocking to all who own son to the coming of His Son. In other words, Paul would have liked to move forward until the time of the rapture of the church. In reality this experience of not dying but services para Transformed encontrarse go with the Lord in the air will be wonderful for those who are still living in the body.
That is why those who have killed themselves give them glorified bodies, and the living who are themselves transformed them allowing the new body, the sky, the earth Absorb. What guarantee nn God has frieze paragraph sure what this has all ready Nosotros for? The Bible refers to itself this fact as "the earnest of the Spirit", or without payment of the blessings that we will have Enjoying a fullness in the life to come. In (Romans 8:23) It is called "first fruits of the Spirit" because nn is given spiritual fulfillment as we await this decision (the final entry to participate in our yard and the inheritance that correspond nos As Children of God), Inside Whereof Included is the redemption of our body of the Coming of the Lord Jesus (1 John 3:02 and Romans 8:11).
Any safety Paul had live in this world until the time of the resurrection of the Christians or the rapture of the church? For Paul, wanted that day will come. As I stood in the physical body of the Lord was absent in the sense that he could not see Jesus with eyes sos Materials. Like all Christians, Paul lived by faith, not by sight. It is true that he kept in touch with the Lord, but at the same time if felt like I was in the UN Country stranger.
What was the effect on the life and ministry of Paul this intense desire to be face to face with the Lord? This helped him to trust in the Lord and feel value when facing opposition from enemies of the gospel of Christ. Paul knew that there were many who wanted to kill him. But none of this scared him nor make him desist from his intense task of proclaiming the message of the sound doctrine of Christ. Part of Their bravery was because he always had in mind the preference for being with the Lord why his faith was unshakable.
What most wonderful attitude of Paul! A REALLY did not care and continue to live or die. All he really wanted was a nice service on our Lord Jesus Christ. We had the letter to the Philippians in the Following Terms: (Philippians 1:20, 21) "20 According to my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all the boldness, as always, Now Also It will magnified Christ is my body, whether by life or death. 21 For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain. " That meant that if life has any meaning has to be Christ, Death Anniversary ONLY mean gain more of Christ.
WHAT YOU did it to Paul the Only Living incentive paragraph please the Lord? He knew the day was coming to such a degree of loyalty receive the due reward, because Christians must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ.
Did he feel fear for the apostle Paul having to appear before the judgment seat of Christ? The Bible teaches that those who believe in the sacrifice of Jesus who was executed on the cross of Calvary and shed His Blood Parr all sin and offense sea completely forgiven and forgotten by God parte. Therefore, this court referred to Christ the apostle here can not be anything but the moment in which the Lord will give the reward from each of Los Cristianos. So he lived looking forward to that moment. In the scriptures we find clear indications Also the judgment seat of Christ. (Revelation 20:5, 11).
THE LOVE OF CHRIST constrains believer (2 Corinthians 5:11-15) "11 Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men, but we are made manifest to God what we are, and I hope your sea Also it consciences. 12 Not recommend us therefore again unto you, but give you glory on our Used para that you have to have to answer them which glory in appearance and not in heart. 13 For if we are crazy, is para God, and if we are sane, is the paragraph you. 14 For Christ's love compels nes, thinking does this: that one died for all, therefore all died, 15 and He died for all, that those who live para as paragraph if not living, but paragraph Him who died and was raised for them. "
Was it the fear of God the main reason Paul's preaching of the gospel paragraph? The Word "Fear of God" you can understand here conviction as the one with the Apostle About the reality that sinners who reject Christ will face the terrible judgment of condemnation. But while we must admit the word "fear" USADA here is the same that appears in many other places in the Bible refer to paragraph reverence due to the Lord taxed.Note the Following Example in the U.S. That was the word "fear" in reference to the reverence due to God. That given Job (Job 28:28) "Fear of the Lord is wisdom." Moses says to the people of Israel the following: (Deuteronomy 10:12) "Shocking your God asking of you, but a shocking Topics thy God?". The writer of Proverbs that says (Proverbs 1:7, 9:10) "The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord" and, (Proverbs 16:6) "with the fear of the Lord men depart from evil" .
This is not without fear born of cowardice, or Flowers termed as fear. Fear referred here is reverence to any individual who feels sacred. The psalmist said (Psalm 19:9) "The fear of the LORD is clean, that forever remains the judgments of Jehovah son true and righteous altogether." We said earlier that Paul recognized that God works in Los Cristianos, preparing para para receive new bodies and a glorious resurrection. Then the apostle gives entender that a root of your gratitude for what God was doing in his life if the persistently endeavored to persuade men to seek the Lord para.
In Paul there was no shadow of fear because I knew I was well known before God and Also in the minds of men. Paul was sure the kind of message that proclaimed the doctrine of Christ taste so different from all the others that were out of the grace of Jehovah God through Christ and the kind of life he lived. However, the only way would be trained to respond to para Enemies of which Paul only if interested in external things, such as circumcision, sin not to care that his heart straight out in front of God.
What seemed Pablo proforma be outside the SI bathroom sometimes? For Christ's sake Paul risked his life for proclaiming the Message of the Doctrine of Christ. But did it all in God's Will, driven by the power of the Holy Spirit. As for the People, Palo cabal was in his judgment, with a deep concern for them and hoping that everyone received the greatest blessings God offered through the Gospel of Christ.
What thing kept him under control or balance, while urging him to move on? The love of Christ was the great motivating force in his life and ministry. It was his love only to Christ, but the same love of the Lord, the love that Christ on Calvary Manifesto, the love you gave and still giving nn, the love that is the main feature of the Fruit of the Holy Spirit.
What conclusion itself comes the Word of God in regard to the fact that Christ died for all? The apostle writes here that (2 Corinthians 5:14) "if one died for all, therefore all died." That is, one way or another we are all involved in the death of Christ. The Bible emphatically statement I wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). Moreover it is said in the scriptures that being carnal or fleshly mindedness is itself Spiritual Death Because the carnal mind is enmity against God (Romans 8:6-7). Also read that he who does not love a brother is dead (1 John 3:14). So the sinner finds itself without a state of death. But Jesus rose triumphant from the dead. We pass from death to life through faith in the Lord (John 5:24). All of This Way We Do we participate in His victory over death and therefore we have entered a new state of life by the blood of Christ that was shed on Calvary.
What nn child Responsibilities imposed as a result of this new state of life? Henceforth We no longer live para Ourselves. Instead, we should live devoted to the cause of the One who died in our place and rose victorious from the dead.
Ambassadors of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:16-21) "16 so that henceforth we know no one according to the flesh, and even if a known Christ after the flesh, no longer here so I know. 17 so that If anyone is in Christ is a new creation, the old has passed but here New Made Todas son. 18 And this all comes from God, who reconciled nn himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, 19 May God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not counting men sos Sins, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. 20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us; we implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God. 21 met who does not sin, became sin for us, that we might become para righteousness of God in him. "WHEREAS we are now living in a new state of life, we are a new creation in Christ Jesus, Paul does not base their personal relationships or their thinking on external things. That is no longer judged Pablo others from the UN Human Viewpoint or as merely worldly standards. THERE UN weather still judged of Christ that way, but from the moment that quarter found the new life in Christ All in Paul change until their thinking, now Paul sought the fruit of the Spirit features bath LAS characters .
'Then,' What is the Purpose of God Himself is reconciled with him? All who are in Christ are a new creation, as our entire service has been renewed in the life of Jesus Christ. Old things, the customs and manners of the old life have passed, have reached the end of his. Taste all things have become new because now our life if in communion with God. All this can be done only because God has removed the sin barrier between him MAN And Jehovah God. Shocking Fashion ESA nn God reconciled Himself through the Lord Jesus Christ.'Then' ministry of reconciliation was given nn; What is the purpose of Jehovah God to reconcile us with Him? To entrust the ministry of reconciliation, para blamed us that we all human beings and we take the Good News of reconciliation. The Message of the Doctrine of Christ through the Gospel of Christ, a statement where men Shocking God is reconciling those who believe in God through Jesus Shocking, to have fellowship with them. The benefits we have received from God can not save selfishly only for us, but we have to share with others, para the river of God flow with power.
Shocking in what sense God ignores men sos Sins? Because Christ paid the price for our sins para rescue, these and any child a barrier between us and our God. Take into account that our function as ambassadors of reconciliation is not to beg God to reconcile with the man. This is already done. Rather, as ambassadors of Christ Our mission is to encourage and implore quarter of the men who were reconciled to God paragraph. (2 Corinthians 5:21) "He who knew no sin, We (God) made Him sin, that we might beds para righteousness of God in him."Christ took on Himself our sins when to save paragraph gave His life on the cross of Calvary. Now we, through His sacrifice we have come to receive His perfect righteousness. So we can say that just as Christ did identify with us by dying in our place, We Can Also identify with Christ in His righteousness, which shines much more than he has now been resurrected from the dead.
Why a many find it difficult to answer the call of the Gospel? The only walls that separate man the Son of God that the sinner has built. However, God wants to use para go to the World with This message of reconciliation. The Holy Spirit uses the Word of God paragraph break down barriers of separation. Paul gives nn POSITION Reconciliation ministry course. "God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself." Invitation Only God you can this Perform Reconciliation.
But we must not forget that one of the purposes of God to reconcile with him that serve as ambassadors Nosotros paragraph negotiate, advise and thrive Parr Also Other services may reconciled with the Lord. The Element of payment, redemption and Negotiation for Reconciliation is the Sacrifice of Christ on the cross. What a privilege God gives nn designate as His ambassadors of reconciliation paragraph attract humans to Him through Christ!
Lerma preaches by:R. Victor Preciado Pr Balderramasanadoctrinavictor@gmail.com
http://viclaly5757.blogspot.com/?spref=fbviclaly5757.blogspot.comGood day I respectfully invite you to visit the BLOGSPOT God has given me and that with much love he SINCE GOD has given me some studies bathroom Revelation, Ephesians 3:8 Unto me, who am less than the least of All Saints, I was this grace given, to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ. Ephesians 4:29 Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but the good that is necessary for the building, a flap may impart grace to the hearers.

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