miércoles, 1 de enero de 2014


(Genesis 17:6-7 ) "And you exceedingly fruitful , and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come from you . And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant , to be God to you and to your descendants after you . "

God had a plan with the life of Abraham and has a plan for your life. We are not on earth by accident , there's a destiny for your life. All you will be getting you closer to your destination. Note that when Abraham was ninety-nine years had passed since the twenty Lord had spoken and it seemed that the promise had been delayed . But there are things in your life you will appear to slow down , but do not give up because God is going ahead with the plan.

God revealed Himself to Abraham as El Shaddai . God said, " I'll give Sara son. " He had said before, and will again stress that everything that had made ​​their way did not work. You have to do as he said . He is asking God how he would be if he was a hundred years and how his wife ninety years would have to conceive. But I was thinking . When God speaks of his dream , he will have to use their faith , not the faith of some preacher .
Important factors that the enemy will use to abandon his dream.

1 The time factor : if God's dream but over time it will actually do for the glory of God. That's where faith has to be strong and not give rise to impatience or anxiety or any other obstacle.

2 The people who are close to being ready to discourage or distract . Do not be distracted by people but focus on the promises of God and move on. Your faith must be focused for you to see the power of God in every area of ​​your life and that any yoke of the enemy is broken . And also to see the open roads to God's dream a reality in your life.

In Genesis 21vemos compliance with the plan of God with Abraham's life and if you look a little closer in time you will realize that you are part of that plan. You are descendants of Abraham. As God made ​​with Abraham , will do it again with the dream that has been planted in your life. God is directing you to your divine destiny to . He is primarily responsible for his dream , then you are and your faith. If you move in faith God will take responsibility for your dream to come true .

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